Cats are notorious for leaving a little of themselves behind wherever they have been. They rub against an object in their environment to leave their scent, claiming the thing as their own, and the streak of hair is an added bonus for those species that can’t smell the mark. There is no denying the splotch of fluffy follicles that stand out on the black pants, the dark rug or the door sill. Baxter was here and left his mark. Get the sticky roller to eliminate the evidence.
God marks us as well. In Baptism, He claimed us as His own, but unlike cat hair, nothing can remove His loving paternity over us. We speak of it as the character of the sacrament. We are a chip off the old block, or at least, we are meant to be when we have been initiated into the very life of God. We don’t wear this mark like a physical object—a tattoo, an emblem, a society pin. We wear it in the godly way we are called to live. With humility, for God made us who we are, and we didn’t deserve His grace or earn it in any way. With generosity and openness to others, for God calls all to His life and asks no questions about our pedigree for admission. With honesty and simplicity, for God forgives the past and allows us to begin again and again in our lives with a clean slate. There is no need to hide anything from our God who heals what keeps us from recognizing ourselves and each other as His children.
But there are often many sticky situations we encounter that can keep us from wearing God’s mark on us. We become so competitive with each other that we see each other as threats rather than supportive brothers and sisters. Our ambition and arrogance take over what we hold precious, and we ignore the weak, the poor and the lonely. Greed focuses our attention, and we can no longer see how rich we become when we share.
We hide behind titles and positions for fear that others will see our vulnerabilities and faults and know we share a common human core. All these tendencies are fostered by our world today, and they can roll over our character, wiping clean the living marks of a life baptized into the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection.
So be careful of the sticky stuff out there. Divine qualities will keep our baptismal garment clear of loose, worldly debris. Self-centered ones will remove the signs of grace in our midst, and create a harsh and hostile world around us. Stick to God, and He will keep you clean to share His life always and everywhere.
-Monsignor Statnick