Yes, Charlie is definitely expensive. You know what is most harassing about his expense, though? He doesn’t even offer to help out! He never makes an effort to defray the cost of his upkeep in anyway.
Or maybe he does. I must say that since Charlie entered our lives, the stress level has gone down exponentially. He is always there to snuggle when you are having a bad day. He’s ever ready to cheer you up with a rousing game of fetch. Charlie greets you with a doggy smile and a wagging tail that shows how much he appreciates all we do for him.
The work of God is not free either. It takes hearts and hands that are willing to share. It takes time and money, too.
Sometimes, we forget that the church isn’t just another social institution or club. It is the community of the Body of Christ. The first step to becoming a part of that body is a relationship with Jesus Himself. Once a person is in relationship with Jesus, he or she can enter a relationship with His Church. Relationship is the way we are connected, and that takes effort and work. Effort and work have costs to them. The costs of effort and work in a relationship are time, intimacy, and sharing resources.
In our broken world, relationship is a scary word. What if we are wasting our time? What if opening ourselves gets us hurt? What if sharing our resources ends in failure? These are serious questions with serious consequences. The question we might ask ourselves when it comes to Church though is: Whom am I making these sacrifices for?
Through the Church, we make these sacrifices for Jesus and for His people. Sharing your time, yourself, and your resources are in service to God when you give them to the church. At the heart of it all, we do it because God loves us, and we want to share that with others.
Once we realize that we are giving our gifts to God, the giving becomes a whole lot easier. It should also take on a new priority.
Just like knowing I’ve got that cute fur-ball ready for a snuggle, makes him absolutely worth every penny.
Christy Cabaniss - Parish Minister