Only cats purr. No one is quite sure where it came from in the evolutionary line of development, but everyone agrees that this distinctive sound and vibration marks feline happiness and contentment. Baxter purrs at the drop of a hat since he has grown older. Scratch his neck, his chin, his chest or his belly, and he immediately starts to reverberate with the familiar sound of pleasure. He starts to purr as soon as he jumps on my lap and begins pummeling my belly with his front paws to find his comfortable spot. He purrs more than he meows and hisses, so I presume he is a happy cat.
Purring has a contagious effect. When I pet my purring friend, I begin to feel relaxed and comfortable. Something about that spontaneous vibration and its soothing sound calms anyone who comes into contact with it. Studies have shown that a cat’s purr can lower the blood pressure of those in contact with it. It exudes peace and contentment, and it spreads these qualities in the atmosphere around it. Happiness is infectious, even across species.
Jesus’ birth touches us in a similar way, but with a more profound impact. When God chose to become one with us in His Son, He did so not reluctantly or grudgingly but with delight and spontaneous joy. Such a divine intervention cannot contain itself. It overflows. The Christmas blessing generates a human condition marked by peace, genuine joy and relief from the drudgery and toil that are the effects of sin. These are the signs of grace incarnate. These are the hallmarks of the messianic age, and all of us who are citizens of God’s Kingdom are invited to share in these fruits. Taste the sweetness of the Lord up close and personal. An intimate God shouldn’t frighten us, any more than a purring cat does. Rather, the God born on Christmas spreads His delight and peace to those who welcome Him into the lap of their lives to rest content there.
But we have to listen carefully to catch the divine purr. At this time of the year it’s hidden in a child’s giggle, in the words of a familiar carol, in the warm wishes shared in cards and greetings, in the “ah” we hear when someone opens a surprise present. God is happy to be with us, and we benefit from His happiness in the deep joy and peace we find when we live in His grace. Like cats, we’re not sure how it works or why it happens this way, but we know we are blessed when we hear it. Have a “Purrfect Christmas!”