Baxter loved the warm days we had a few weeks ago. I would open the windows wide, and he would sit on the sill all excited about the sounds of the birds and the warmth and brightness of the sun. He perked up at any movement he spied from his self-designated observation tower. He was full of life because he surrounded himself with all sorts of living creatures. They made him curious, and he wanted to investigate every sight and sound he encountered. He jumped from window to window, taking it all in and smelling the sweet freshness of nature coming to life again.
What gets us excited about living? Do we think we are too old and settled to expect anything new and different to spark our imaginations? Are the responsibilities we hold each day weighing down our spirits and stifling our creativity? Can God get to us with a call to live life anew in His Spirit? We need to examine our lives in view of where we have positioned the windows. Are they shut all the time? Are the blinds closed to the light? Do we even look out through them to see a bigger world beyond our confines?
Lent is window washing time for us. Take the dust away from our vision, and let the fresh air inside. Now look at what God is doing in our world. Despite the wars and violence in our streets there are signs of compassion when the hungry are fed, the naked clothed and the homeless sheltered. Despite the greed and selfishness of some business and political activities, there are those who want to work together, who are generous in their dealings, and who treat their employees and customers with respect and fairness. Despite the frustrations with cold bureaucracies and insider deals, every system has people who believe that serving others is the first and most important thing we do each day. Look for these heroes in our midst. Thank them for being different, and follow their example. They are the breath of fresh air and warm light that signal the end of the world’s winter and the growth of new life.
We can so easily get discouraged these days by all that we see and hear around us, however, the reasons for hope are there too. Perhaps not where we are accustomed to look, but look again. There are open minds and hearts that seek to serve others and make a better world for us all. For us who believe, these witnesses of hope are signs of the Spirit released by the Risen Lord. As we approach Easter, breathe in that Spirit. Feel its warmth; see its hints of new life; and praise God for His presence and power in our midst. Become a witness and agent of God’s Spirit wherever you live and work, and so bring some freshness to the life you share with others.
Baxter sits on the sill of an open window to take in the freshness of new life. We sit at the entrance of an empty tomb to see things differently. Baxter’s viewpoint passes with the seasons, but ours is meant to last into eternity. Don’t miss the opportunity for some fresh air and new life this Easter.